
What role for the academy and independent 'experts' in the post-truth era? - virtual roundtable

This event will be in Zoom

Chair: Ilan Baron (Durham University)

Participants: Christine Cheng (King's College London), Tony Lang (University of St. Andrews), Tereza Capelos (University of Birmingham), Hesham Hassan Shafick Abdeldary (Queen Mary University of London)

There is a sense that we are living through interesting – epoch making – times. COVID-19 of course, the UK decision to leave the EU, Donald Trump’s election to the White House, and the rise of (often xenophobic) populism across the democratic world suggest that the liberal international order, and the institutions it rests on, are under threat. Added to this, we have seen the development of a “post-truth” era, where expert information and reliable evidence are undermined by mainstream political elites, often with support by the mass media.

The purpose of this roundtable is to explore how as experts in Politics and International Relations, we should be responding to these challenges. These challenges pose questions about the role of ‘experts’ and the methodological and theoretical tools they use. These challenges also encourage us to reflect on the extent to which current events might be novel, and how history might be a guide to the present. Finally, there are questions about the role of the academy and its ability to respond to issues connected to truth, knowledge and narratives.

This event is for BISA members only.

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