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Our journals
Our journals position us at the forefront of the latest developments in International Studies.
Review of International Studies (RIS) publishes the very best original research in International Relations. RIS is pluralist in outlook and welcomes original research regardless of theoretical, methodological or empirical perspective.
The European Journal of International Security (EJIS) publishes theoretical, methodological and empirical papers at the cutting edge of security research.
Cambridge University Press
Both our journals are published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). They’ll be on display at the following conferences annually where you can also meet representatives from our editorial teams:
- International Studies Association (ISA)
- Political Studies Association (PSA)
- Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
- British International Studies Association (BISA)
- European Political Science Association (EPSA)
- Oceanic Conference on International Studies (OCIS)
- International Political Science Association (IPSA)
- European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
- American Political Science Association (APSA)
- European International Studies Association (EISA)
At some events we run ‘meet the editors’ and ‘how to get published’ events. These are advertised on Twitter via CUP (@CUP_PoliSci), RIS (@RISjnl) and EJIS (@EJIntSec), as well as on our own account (@MYBISA). Alternatively, if you’re interested in meeting the team please do email Chrissie Duxson, BISA Communications Manager, who will pass on your request to the relevant team:
Access for BISA members
If you’re a BISA member you can access both our journals as part of your membership package. Just log in to your BISA account and scroll down to the member benefits section. If you’re not a member you may be able to access the journals via your institution, but why not look at all the other benefits you could access by becoming a BISA member and join today.
Our book series
In addition to our journals, CUP also publish our book series - Cambridge Studies in International Relations. If you’re a BISA member you'll receive 40% discount on any of the books in the series, as well as 25% discount on all other CUP titles. Details of how to access these discounts are sent in your welcome or renewal email.
Special collections
If you’re a BISA working group convener, we may be able to arrange for a special collection to be put together so that your members can read materials in advance of an event. The collection would be made up of articles and/or book chapters from RIS, EJIS and our book series on a specific topic. You can send your proposal for a collection to Chrissie Duxson, the BISA Communications Manager, in the first instance who will review it.
CUP also put together several special collections prior to our annual conference each year to fit with the panels on the programme. Check back here for more information once our conference programme is released.