About Postgraduate Network (PGN)
Our aims are fourfold:
- To represent the interests of BISA postgraduate and early-career members;
- To provide training opportunities for postgraduates and ECRs to enhance your collaborative, learning, researching, and teaching skills;
- To bring together postgraduates and ECRs from different intellectual traditions and cultural backgrounds to form research, teaching and support networks;
- To encourage an active postgraduate and ECR community that engages with the broader academic community and BISA members at various stages in their careers.
Each year we organise several events including:
- PGN only panels at the BISA annual conference;
- An annual conference-style event exclusively for PGN members;
- A funding competition for organising postgraduate events;
- A ‘meet the editors’ session at the BISA Annual Conference;
- A series of careers and professional development events for members.
Past chairs
- 2024/25 - Assala Khettache (Aberystwyth)
- 2023/24 - Ndidi Olibamoyo (Bath)
- 2022/23 - Shivani Singh (Aberystwyth)
- 2021/22 - Joanna Wilson (Glasgow)
- 2019/20 - Tom Vaughan (Aberystwyth)
- 2018/19 - Amandine Hostein (Portsmouth)
- 2017/18 - Tom Watts
- 2009/10 - James Malcolm

Assala Khettache (Chair)
University of Aberystwyth

Daksh Sharma (Vice-chair)
University College Dublin

Konstantinos Manakos (Communications Officer)
Northumbria University

Andrea Gimeno Solaz (Events and Elections Officer)
University of Edinburgh