Content from Africa and International Studies working group
Africa and International Studies
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The Africa and International Studies Working Group provides a forum that brings together a diverse range of scholars to discuss and debate: substantive issues arising from range of different dimensions of 'the international' in Africa; theoretical and conceptual debates about the relationship between the generalities of the discipline of International Studies and African historically-based specificities; and ideas about the relationship of issues and theory in the pedagogy of International Studies in and of Africa.
[Banner photo by Eva Blue on Unsplash].
News and analysis
Trauma-informed Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TiCBT) to aid reintegration of former terrorists and their families in Nigeria: A pilot study
Methodologies in International Relations: Doing systematic reviews
China builds influence using African parliaments
The A.I.R. Club: research with African adolescents
Making sense of the State: Citizens and state buildings in South Africa
The culture struggle, African Union and eliminating violence against women
Call for papers: Whose new world order?: Conflict, insecurity and war – Interrogating Africa and Global hegemony
Upcoming events
Africa and International Studies Working Group annual general meeting
Past events
Book talk: Rethinking civil society regionalism in Africa: Challenges and opportunities in democratic participation and peacebuilding in the Post-ECOWAS vision 2020
Rethinking methodologies in international relations: towards an interdisciplinary approach using randomised control trials
Africa and International Studies Working Group AGM 2024
Thirty years of South African foreign policy and UK relations
Postgraduate work-in-progress workshop
Piecing the peace together: hybridisation processes and the local
Methodologies in International Relations: Doing systematic reviews
Humour and politics in Africa: Beyond resistance
Africa's imprints: Historicising African contributions to International Relations
Drivers of armed conflict, insecurity and terrorism in West Africa: the need to rethink international and state responses
Human rights and regional integration in West Africa: a discourse on the ECOWAS Community Court
What is holding Africa back in decolonising International Relations?
African International Relations in the new time of global crises
Beyond the PhD: Excursus on postdoctoral funding applications
Architecture and politics in Africa - making, living and imagining identities through buildings
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