For members

As part of the BISA community we want you to get the most from your membership. Here you can remind yourself of all the benefits and go straight to the areas that interest you.

You can also head over to our database and log in to update your details, working group memberships and email preferences.

Working groups

As a member you can join up to three of our working groups plus Learning and Teaching.

Postgraduate Network (PGN)

The PGN is for both PhD students and early career researchers. Many of our members say they’ve remained in contact with colleagues they met through the PGN throughout their career.

Journal access

Your membership gives you online access to both our journals – Review of International Studies (RIS) and the European Journal of International Security (EJIS). You might already have access through your institution, but you can also visit our journals pages.


  • 40% off books in the BISA book series
  • 25% off other books published by Cambridge University Press
  • Over 30% off our standard conference registration fee
  • For any other BISA event with an attendance fee you’ll always receive a more favourable rate than non-members.


Individual funding applications for PhD students, early career researchers and for learning and teaching grants open in October each year. Funding for working groups is allocated twice a year.

Awards and prizes

Winning a BISA award can provide a platform to further your career. All our awards are presented at our annual conference in June, but nominations take place at different times between October and April.

Virtual event recordings

Missed out on one of our virtual events? You can watch many of these on our YouTube channel.


Our trustees are voted in by you – the members. Each full member receives one vote. Student, institutional and school members are not eligible to vote. We usually call for nominations in October each year. Eligible members can vote in November and early December. Find out more on our elections page.

Update your details

Changed institution? Want to join more working groups? Missing out on our monthly newsletter? Most updates you can make yourself by logging in to our membership area. The only thing you can't update yourself is your email address (for security reasons). If you'd like to change the email address we have on file for you, contact Freya Jones: