Upcoming events
The majority of our events are open to both members and non-members, though non-members usually need to pay a fee.
We continue to hold many of our events virtually, as this means we can engage with members both in the UK and abroad, as well as those with disabilities, those with caring responsibilities, and those for whom the costs of travel may be prohibitive. This is also in line with our environmental commitment, reducing the amount of travel required to bring colleagues together from around the world. We look forward to seeing you!
If you want to find out more about our previous events you can view a list or search by working group via our past events page. If you've missed one of our events you can find some of them on our YouTube channel.
20th anniversary workshop - Between continuities and ruptures: Exploring violence and resistance in the SEE
PGN workshop: What is academic writing and how to get better at it
Postgraduate/early-career researcher virtual workshop: Intersection of memory/trauma and the Politics of Emotions in IR
EPIR seminar series: Dis-membering, re-membering: understanding the affective force of violence through fantasies in (post)war Sierra Leone
Contemporary Research on International Political Theory postgraduate masterclass: theorising the global right
Circles of solidarity: Reimagining environment and climate politics scholarship in a crisis-ridden world
Unlock the power of academic blogging: Storytelling, tips and tools
Postgraduate Network (PGN) Conference: Emerging knowledge from emerging researchers
Book talk: Under the Nuclear Shadow: China’s Information-Age Weapons in International Security
Postgraduate and early-career development day 2025
Public speaking workshop
Public lecture: What feminists reveal when they investigate masculinities: The case of military ‘manpower’
One-to-one public speaking coaching
Contested heritage: Curating conflict in and about Northern Ireland
Africa and International Studies Working Group annual general meeting
BISA-ISA joint workshops
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