About Security Policy and Practice

The working group aims to cultivate and facilitate a policy-engaged dialogue that brings together academic, practitioner and policymaking communities to discuss all aspects of UK security policy and practice. To achieve this, the group provides a space to: 

  1. Exchange thought, expertise and evidence on security policy and practice
  2. Energise research agendas by encouraging and providing opportunities for engagement with a wider range of thinking and debate on security policy and practice
  3. Connect research and debate on UK security policy and practice with relevant policy and practitioner communities within government, political parties, thinktanks, NGOs and the media. 

The group understands security broadly, and encourages, and is open to, the plurality of approaches to ‘security’ within contemporary international relations scholarship, including those which have traditionally been marginalised within the discipline. We seek to engage with both high-level concerns around the core values and strategic thinking that underpins UK national security policy, as well as more discrete policy areas. 

To achieve these ambitions, the group organises a variety of events, including workshops that bring academic, practitioner and policymaking communities together; sessions facilitating submissions to UK Government and Committee calls for evidence; as well as policy-engaged seminars and roundtables at academic conferences. 


Larry Attree
Rethinking Security
Dr Thomas Martin
Open University
Dr Elisabeth Schweiger
Stirling University



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