A nuclear order in flux? Surviving the next 75 years…

Proposals are invited for the Seventh Annual Conference of the Global Nuclear Order Working Group:
A nuclear order in flux? Surviving the next 75 years…
15-16 December 2020 via Microsoft Teams
We invite proposals for presentations that investigate conceptual, empirical, and/or policy aspects of global nuclear politics. Presentations can also reflect on methodological or theoretical debates in the field. We welcome papers that examine all aspects of the nuclear world we inhabit, including but not limited to:
- Theoretical/interdisciplinary/activist/practitioner approaches to engaging with the nuclear condition.
- New thinking on nuclear deterrence, strategy and the impact of (new) technology.
- Reflections on nuclear challenges in different regions of the world.
- Disarmament, the humanitarian initiative and global nuclear governance.
- Reconsidering and contextualising our nuclear past.
- Proliferation, nuclear security and nuclear risk management.
The keynote speech will be provided by Ms Angela Kane, former UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs. We will also be holding a session on “How to write for policy and policymakers”.
The Global Nuclear Order Working Group was founded to bring together a diverse range of scholars, practitioners and professionals and so submissions from postgraduate students, non-academics and those working in other disciplines are particularly welcome. The conference is hosted by the University of Leicester and by the Intelligence, Security and Strategic Studies working group in the School of History, Politics and International Relations (HyPIR).
Please send a presentation title and abstract of no more than 150 words by Friday 30 October 2020 to ajf57@le.ac.uk.
All welcome.

Photo by Oleksandra Bardash on Unsplash