
International Political Economy webinar series: Financialisation in Latin America - Session 2

This event will be in Online, Zoom

In the second section of the IPEG Financialisation in Latin America webinar series, we turn our attention to how financial imperatives penetrate households within a context of subordinated integration. Dr Tomás Nougués willshed light on Argentina’s evolving social security system and illustrate how it became a pivotal mechanism for integrating households into financial markets — tracing this transformation from the 1990s to the present. By revealing the intersection of state policies, institutional reforms, and everyday life, this session aims to deepen our understanding of how financialisation materializes in household practices and experiences.


Tomás Nougués holds a PhD in Sociology from the Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martín where he currently serves as a postdoctoral fellow. His research agenda focuses on the expansion of financial markets in Latin America and examines how public policy shapes socio-economic outcomes for households, particularly in contexts marked by precariousness and peripheral financial integration.

Registration will close two hours before the event begins

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