Critical studies on terrorism and counter-terrorism conference 2020

We're pleased to announce that parts of our annual conference held on 10 September 2020 are now available to listen on demand. You can listen to both the keynote speech and a roundtable: 'Rethinking CST' which was chaired by convener Raquel da Silva.
The keynote presentation and Q&A was given by Richard Jackson, University of Otago, and titled 'CST Analytic for Counter-Terrorism: Deep Politics, Context and Holism'. Richard is Director of the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS). He is the founding editor and current editor-in-chief of the journal, Critical Studies on Terrorism.
Our roundtable 'Rethinking CST' rounded off the morning with presentations from:
- Charlotte Heath-Kelly
- Sondre Lindhal
- Harmonie Toros
- Yannis Tellidis
- Maéva Clément
- Hanna Pfeifer
In the afternoon we ran a PhD/ECR Café: 'Writing, publishing, and jobs' chaired by convener Tom Pettinger.
Many thanks to all those involved.
Image by: Petras Gagilas from Erith, Kent, UK - mass photo gathering