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Benjamin Meiches wins 2019 Review of International Studies Best Article Prize
We and the editorial team from Review of International Studies, are delighted to announce the winner of the 2019 Review of International Studies Best Article Prize – Benjamin Meiches (University of Washington) for his article ‘Non-human humanitarians’ (RIS Volume 45 issue 1).
Review of International Studies (RIS) is one of two BISA journals. RIS publishes the very best original research in International Relations broadly construed. We publish research that is theoretically informed, empirically rich, and methodologically rigorous, but which also pushes the boundaries of the discipline through theoretical, conceptual and methodological innovation. RIS is especially keen to welcome interdisciplinary research that draws on cognate disciplines to bring new insights to International Relations research.
RIS awards the best article prize annually for the best article published in the previous volume/year. We would like to say a huge thanks to our judges who read the entirety of volume 45 in order to award the prize.
Prize winner Ben said: “I was shocked and honoured to receive the message about this. When you put out research you often never know whether anyone knows or cares, so it was a wonderful moment for me.”
Ben’s article ‘Non-human humanitarians’ explores the neglected world of non-human humanitarians. Specifically, the article outlines three cases of non-human actors that expand and complicate international humanitarian practices: dogs, drones, and diagrams.
RIS Editor, Martin Coward, interviewed Ben to discuss what led to his award-winning article, its key points, impact, and what Ben will focus on next. Watch the interview below.
Cambridge University Press has agreed to make ‘Non-human humanitarians’ free to access for a whole year so please do click through to read it.