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Best of the week - 15 May 2020
Each week BISA Director, Juliet Dryden, scours the internet for COVID-19 content that might interest you. Here she brings you this week's best readings and podcasts. She finishes with 'In other news', giving you a moment's break from the pandemic.
- In The New Yorker, Corey Robin asks if it’s time to resurrect US public universities in the time of corona?
- In Science Magazine, Virologist Peter Piot, Director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine explains how the virus finally got him
- in the New York Times, Timothy Egan asks if the US will ever recover its reputation?
- Mark Lowcock, UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, and Dr Natalia Kanem, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund, explain why we must tackle the violence and inequality faced by woman on the COVID 19 frontline
- Foreign Affairs – Will Sweden’s virus strategy soon be the worlds?
- The Conversation’s Richard Youngs explains why democracy is the missing link in EU recovery plans
- Sophie Harman asks if pandemics are hegemonic in Discover Society
- The Atlantic looks into what would happen if Trump and Pence got sick at the same time
- Read a whole host of articles on the impact of COVID 19 and forced migrants from the Refugee Studies Centre in Oxford.
- Talking Politics - Britain beyond the Crisis: Where is Labour heading? Where is Brexit heading?
- Hannah Arendt on action, Max Weber on leadership, Fredrich Hayek on the market, Ghandi on self-rule and many more. An excellent new series on the History of Ideas
- Novara Media’s The Burner: Emergency Breaks. Eight weeks in, James Butler asks what the crisis has revealed. Does sudden global stoppage let us see what real change might look like?
- St Antony’s College Oxford is joined by Professor Kalypso Nicolaidis to discuss coronavirus, myth, Brexit and hope
- London Review of Books – Rupert Beale asks how to block spike?
Other news
Polish Election - Marcin Zaborowski, DemocrCE fellow and Senior Associate at Visegrad Insight asks if authoritarian rule is returning to Poland, and Election mess from the Bulwark
Middle East - In the Middle East Institute, Charles Lister blogs on ISIS’s dramatic escalation
Energy - Exponential View talks to Ramez Naam, clean energy investor and technologist, to discuss the economic and industrial forces that are accelerating us towards a zero-carbon future
Cold War games in the Artic - An article from The Economist.
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash