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Best of the week - 18 September 2020
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Each week BISA Director, Juliet Dryden, scours the internet for IR-related content that might interest you. Here she brings you this week's best readings and podcasts to keep you up to date with what's happening around the world.
COVID-related news
- Let’s get real. No vaccine will work as if by magic returning us to normal says Jeremy Farrar, Director of the Wellcome Trust
- Angers Tegnell and the Swedish COVID Experiment. Richard Milne examines for the Financial Times
- Universities are being forced to lie about COVID being safe. Anon in Open Democracy
- A left populist strategy for post COVID-19 from Chantal Mouffe in Open Democracy
- India’s out of control pandemic. T. Jacob John in Foreign Affairs
- Podcast: Incompetence In Overdrive from Novara Media. We were promised a world beating test-and-trace system. Just as our economy is reopening, Britain’s testing system has collapsed.
UK Politics/Brexit
- The Tories biggest trick? Convincing the world they have a cunning plan by Marina Hyde in the Guardian
- Boris Johnson is trashing Britain’s reputation. Jonathan Freedland in the Guardian
- English nationalism is too naïve to know its limits. Finton O’Toole in the Irish Times
- The self-interested man. Reflections on Johnson. Read Jay Elwes in the Article
- Brexit drama comes to Washington. Adam Taylor for the Washington Post.
World Politics
- Decolonising the United Nations means abolishing the permanent five. Hannah Ryder, Ovigwe Eguege and Anna Baisch argue the case in Foreign Policy
- The long shadow of 9/11. How counterterrorism warps US Foreign Policy. Robert Malley and John Finer n Foreign Affairs
- War crimes list grows for US as Saudi bombs Yemen. New York Times
- Double Quarantine in Gaza; COVID-19 and the blockade. A special brief by Sahar Atrache for Refugees International
- Syria’s lost chance. Robert F. Worth in the New York Review of Books
- Podcast: Who runs the world? Listen to Julia Gillard on ‘Women in politics’ from Reasons to be Cheerful with Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd
- Podcast: Listen to The Forgotten Refugee Crisis in Europe from The Daily.
In other news
- Disinformation by Jonathan Freedland in the New York Review of Books
- Woke Conspiracies by William Davies in the London Review of Books
- The subject of empire dominates shortlist for £25,000 British Academy book prize
- On quitting academia by Malcolm Gaskill in the London Review of Books
- Simulating Democracy by James Gleick in the New York Review of Books
- Podcast: American historian Jill Lepore talks about the damage new technology can do to democracy, from the 1960s to the present. Listen to TALKING POLITICS
- Podcast: The Spies Fighting Communism During the Cold War with Scott Anderson and Hugo Lindgren from Intelligence Squared.
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