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Best of the week - 3 July 2020
Each week BISA Director, Juliet Dryden, scours the internet for IR-related content that might interest you. Here she brings you this week's best readings and podcasts to keep you up to date with what's happening around the world.
COVID-related news
Engelsberg Ideas: Peter Frankopan on why the crisis has the capacity to be apocalyptic
Down but not out? Globalisation and the threat of COVID-19. Read the new report from the Economist Intelligence Unit
Why singing spreads coronavirus. Natasha Hinde looks at the science for the Huffington Post
Podcast: What went wrong in Brazil? Listen to the Daily.
UK Politics
The fatal delusions of Boris Johnson. Finton O’ Toole for the New Statesman
Britain needs to build a better brand. Mark Dejevsky for Unherd
Podcast: Talking Politics on Brexit in the age of COVID with Anand Menon, Catherine Barnard and Helen Thompson.
US-China Relations
Are the USA and China entering a new Cold War? Timothy Garten Ash looks for at the long term in the Guardian
Stephen Walt in Foreign Policy looks at the reasons behind the U.S.-China Cold War
How China scammed Hong Kong? Li Zheng Lian takes a look for the New York Times.
USA politics and election
Benghazi probe offers a road map for Trump’s Russian bounty briefing. Read Kyle Cheney’s analysis in Politico
Will Biden be a surprisingly active President?
Why America is losing the information war. Nina Jankowicz for Unherd
Unpresidented: the world of Trump. Finton O’Toole for the New York Review of Books
Podcast: Can he do that? A new podcast series from the Washington Post. How did the Founding Fathers see the American presidency? Jeffrey Rosen, president of the National Constitution Centre, offers explanations for why there aren’t more limitations on what the president can do, and how the role has evolved over time.
Podcast: Listen to Reimagining capitalism for a broken world from Exponential View with Azeem Azhar.
Middle East
With only $7.7 billion in Syrian aid pledged, Steven Erlanger for the New York Times argues this is not nearly enough to stop Syria in its downward spiral
Talk of annexation in the West Bank and the failure of any peace process
Podcast: With the imminent annexation of parts of the West Bank listen to The Hundred Years War on settlement, occupation and struggle in Palestine with Rashid Khalidi from Novara Media.
Something different
Mark Mazower reviews the life of Eric Hobsbawm for the New York Review of Books.
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash