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Best of the week - 30 October 2020
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Each week BISA Director, Juliet Dryden, scours the internet for IR-related content that might interest you. Here she brings you this week's best readings and podcasts to keep you up to date with what's happening around the world.
COVID-related news
- Ten lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic. Philip Ball in the New Statesman
- How did China beat its COVID crisis? Read Ian Johnson in the New York Review of Books
- How corona is spread through the air. Let El Pais’s infographics explain
- Podcast - Wake-up Call: ‘Why the pandemic exposes the weakness of the West' from Intelligence Squared. Is fear is on the march? All over the world citizens have surrendered basic freedoms to the state in order to be protected from COVID-19. Good government has become not just important but a matter of life and death. The assumption that Western governments have any advantage over the rest of the world is questionable: ask yourself, where would you feel safer today – in Los Angeles and Barcelona or in Singapore and Seoul?
World order
- The post-American order. ‘America first’ will leave America behind. Kori Schake in Foreign Affairs
- The end of American power: Trump’s re-election would usher in permanent decline. Eliot A Cohen in Foreign Affairs
- A second Trump term would sabotage struggling democracies and US leadership. Asil Aydintasbas in the Washington Post
- Podcast: Listen to Reasons to be Cheerful with Ed Milliband and Geoff Lloyd on how movements change the world and the national conversation. What works in driving political change? Social movement experts Deva Woodly and Hahrie Han talk about language, organisation and the strategies of success
- Listen to an interview on Trumpism with Frances Fukuyama from Unherd.
US election
- How much longer will Trump be our con-artist in-Chief? Read John Cassidy asks for the New Yorker
- Why it has to be Biden. Trump has desecrated the values that make American a beacon to the world. The Economist
- This election can’t contain the rage of my generation. Aaron White for Open Democracy
- Podcast: What Trump means to us. Listen to TALKING POLITICS ask what four years of Trump has meant for our thinking about America and about democratic politics. Is it possible to give a balanced picture of Trump's presidency?
- Podcast: Listen to the Daily on why US suburban women have changed their voting minds. Lisa Lerer, who covers campaigning, elections and political power for the New York Times, speaks to white suburban women
- Podcast: Listen to the Ezra Klein Show on why 2020 isn’t 2016.
Terror attacks in France
- Terror attacks in France demand statesmanship not demagoguery. Bobby Ghosh for Bloomberg Opinion
- Muslims worldwide are protesting Macron’s crackdown on Islam. Alex Ward for Vox.
Middle East
- Saudi hosts a G20 women’s conference while women right activists sit in Saudi jails. Read the Washington Post.
- Syria Alone. Patrick Cockburn in the London Review of Books
- How Syria’s disinformation wars destroyed the co-founder of the White Helmets. Martin Chulov in the Guardian
- Why is Saad Hariri back in charge of Lebanon? Rebecca Collard explains for Foreign Policy
- Trump leaves a trail of civilians dead in Yemen. Murtaza Hussain for the Intercept.
Armenia and Azerbaijan
- No compromise in sight for Armenia and Azerbaijan. Thomas de Waal in Foreign Affairs
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