
BISA president and BISA member awarded prestigious research fellowships

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On Friday 7 May The British Academy announced the recipients of its 10 Senior Research Fellowships. We were delighted to see that both BISA President, Richard Whitman, and BISA member John Heathershaw are on the list!

The British Academy’s Senior Research Fellowships are awarded to established academics across the UK, allowing them to complete a major research project. The Fellowships are worth £547,000 in total and funded by legacy gifts from the late Professor Donald Winch FBA, and Professor Michael Dockrill. The Senior Research Fellowships scheme has been a kite-mark of excellence for over 30 years.

BISA President, Professor Richard Whitman (University of Kent, Professor of Politics and International Relations, School of Politics and International Relations) has been awarded the Michael Dockrill Senior Research Fellowship in British Foreign Policy and will work on The UK's European diplomacy: from accession to Brexit.

Richard said: “The named award is especially meaningful because Michael Dockrill was such an active member of the British International History Group – a BISA working group -  and a figure of such significance in the study of the UK’s International Relations.”

BISA member, Professor John Heathershaw (University of Exeter, Professor of International Relations, Department of Politics), has been awarded the Saki Ruth Dockrill Senior Research Fellowship in Contemporary History and International Security Studies. He will work on British professional services, Eurasian kleptocrats and the transformation of international security in the post-Cold War era. John has provided valuable contributions to the BISA community, in particular organising several virtual panel/roundtables during the week that would have been the BISA 2020 conference (which was cancelled due to the global pandemic), so that the dates would be marked and those who had planned to attend the conference could still come together in some way.

All at BISA would like to congratulate Richard and John on this fantastic achievement.

You can find out more about the research fellowships on the British Academy website.


Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash