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European Journal of International Security – Summer 2020 update
In January 2020 a new editorial team took over at our journal the European Journal of International Security. Our newest journal – a Cambridge University Press (CUP) publication that already has a reputation for outstanding scholarship - launched in 2016. Here the editorial team provide an update on their objectives and their open call for special issues.
Our editorial vision can be found in issue 1 of 2020, in which we set out a number of themes and objectives that motivate us. EJIS is open to submissions in the security studies field irrespective of subject, conceptual orientation, or methodological approach, with an emphasis upon rigour, originality, and pushing the boundaries of security debates. A key objective is global engagement and inclusion, in terms of who publishes in the journal, the substance of the articles that we publish, their theoretical scope, and the ways in which we will hopefully shape debates. We are also interested in interdisciplinary approaches to theoretical innovation through the synthesis of traditions and disciplines, data science and new technologies, everyday experiences and practices of security and insecurity, and policy engagement.
Although we are the European Journal of International Security, our remit is most certainly global in scope. We have a large international editorial team (see below) that reflects a diverse range of backgrounds and expertise, and provides geographic and gender balance, all of which gives a hint of how we want to guide the journal in the coming few years. This will also help us to reach out and engage more with scholars around the world, particularly when the world returns to some sort of normality.
We are committed to raising the profile and visibility of the journal in the field and attracting the best scholarship. We will move from three to four issues per year in 2021, and with a very respectable new CiteScore of 2.9 for 2019, we are on course to achieving a strong impact factor when the journal become eligible.
We have exciting plans to publish special issues – with an open call active until the end of September – as well as book symposia around recently published volumes which are likely to have a significant impact on the field of security studies. We also have an active social media strategy (please follow us on Twitter @EJIntSec).
We are happy to receive enquiries as to the ‘fit’ of a possible submission, so please get in touch!
Editors: Edward Newman (University of Leeds), Jason Ralph (University of Leeds), and Jacqui True (Monash University).
Regional editors: Karin Aggestam (Lund University), Navnita Chadha Behera, (University of Delhi), Jennifer Mitzen (Ohio State University).
Associate editors: Laura Considine, Jack Holland, Yoshiharu Kobayashi, Nick Robinson, and Cristina Stefan (University of Leeds).
Assistant editor: Francesca Petrizzo (University of Leeds).