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The latest research from the European Journal of International Security
This month, the editorial team at the European Journal of International Security is pleased to share a number of new research articles.
In ‘Representations of women and gender in DFID’s development-security-counterterrorism nexus’, Patel uses a feminist institutional approach to examine how discourses about women, development, security and counterterrorism are reproduced through a ‘development-security-counterterrorism nexus.’ Kumar shows how prudence can improve the quality of deliberative processes and policy choices, whilst in their article Colli and Reykers explore how NGOs can push the military towards transparency around the use of force. In their article, Mumford and Carlucciexplore hybrid warfare and the study of ambiguity whilst Paterson explores how asylum and refugee sector NGO’s contest the ‘security-migration’ nexus.
EJIS welcomes high quality research from around the world, across all areas of international security. For those based or trained in global regions underrepresented in the fields of International Relations and security, don’t miss the opportunity to gain pre-submission feedback on your research. Contact F.Petrizzo@leeds.ac.uk to learn more.
In addition, EJIS currently has a call open for a 2023/24 special issue which you may be interested in reading.
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