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L.H.M. Ling Outstanding First Book Prize 2022: shortlist announced
We are delighted to announce the shortlist for this year’s L.H.M. Ling Outstanding First Book Prize. Three excellent books made the list and will be judged by a committee led by BISA trustee Hassan Elbahtimy.
Hassan said:
“Congratulations to the authors and publishers of the three short listed books for this year’s L.H.M. Ling Outstanding First Book Prize. Despite the continued disruption caused by Covid-19, we received many excellent nominations for the prize, reflecting the dynamism and diversity within our field. We are delighted that the prize, in its third year, continues to celebrate research excellence and highlight the important contributions made by early career researchers in our field.”
Here are the books which made the shortlist:
- Jen Iris Allan. New Climate Activism: NGO Authority and Participation in Climate Change Governance. University of Toronto Press
- Sophie Haspeslagh. Proscribing peace: How listing armed groups as terrorists hurts negotiations. Manchester University Press.
- Thom Tyerman. Everyday Border Struggles: Segregation and Solidarity in the UK and Calais. Routledge
All books were published in 2021.
The L.H.M. Ling Outstanding First Book Prize is awarded for an original and innovative book published in any field of International Studies by an early career scholar. The aim of the prize is to honour the work of L.H.M. Ling and to recognise outstanding early-career research in the discipline.
The winner will be announced at our annual conference on 15 to 17 June 2022. Book your place now.