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New issue: European Journal of International Security
The European Journal of International Security (EJIS) editorial team is pleased to announce our most freely accessible issue yet. Latest issue 6(3) contains five out of six open access articles, which continue to engage with the cutting edge of international security issues.
The articles consider the shifts in nuclear policy and the advent of a third nuclear age (Futter and Zala), Trump and Putin’s gendered approaches to securitisation during the COVID pandemic (Kuteleva and Clifford), and the way transnational repression works for political exiles (Furstenberg, Lemon, and Heathershaw). Sjöstedt and Noreen’s examination of Sweden and Norway’s military engagement in Afghanistan is now particularly topical. Meanwhile, Schlesinger and Levyargue against audience costs theory through the historical case study of the 1863-4 Schleswig-Holstein crisis. Martin-Mazé and Perret’s analysis of power rationales at play in border security, against a background of European security narratives, speaks to the everday routines of security governance which have become internalised within research and development.
EJIS, our newest journal, launched in 2016. It publishes theoretical, methodological and empirical papers at the cutting edge of security research. Welcoming high-quality research from around the world, EJIS covers all areas of international security including: conflict and peace building; strategy and warfare; environmental and food security; economic and energy security; human and everyday security; technology and security; and security governance.