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Take Five - 28 June 2024

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In our fortnightly feature, Director/CEO Juliet Dryden and Communications Intern Dominic Hart bring you their top five IR-related podcasts and readings from the past two weeks. 'Take five' to explore our best of the best.

This fortnight we 'Take Five' on American leadership of the global order and the prospect of escalation between Israel and Hezbollah:

  1. What would war between Israel and Hezbollah mean for the Middle East? Expert Q&A by Simon Mabon for The Conversation
  2. Nato’s Washington summit will need to tackle Russian sabotage and myriad security threats by Alexander Gilder for The Conversation
  3. (Podcast) Is America turning its back on the world it helped to build? Bronwen Maddox and Fareed Zakaria for Independent Thinking
  4. War Chariots by Tom Stevenson for The London Review of Books
  5. (Podcast) France Enters Its Summer of Crisis  by These Times