A ballot being posted

Trustee election results 2024 announced

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We are delighted to announce the newly elected members of our Executive Committee. Alongside a small team of employees, BISA is run by volunteer trustees who sit on our Executive Committee.

In May 2024 eligible members voted for new trustees to fill the vacant positions of Secretary and ordinary trustees. The results were ratified by the BISA Executive Committee at their last meeting. We are therefore pleased to report that the following have been elected:

Secretary – Professor Helena Farrand Carrapico (Northumberland)

Ordinary trustees:

  • Professor Tim Edmunds (Bristol)
  • Professor Jack Holland (Leeds)
  • Dr Geoffrey Swenson (City, University of London)

Everyone at BISA is looking forward to working with the new trustees. Congratulations on being elected! We’ll be publishing an interview with each new trustee to help you get to know them and their areas of expertise a little better. In the meantime, you can still read their manifestos.

We would like to give our sincere thanks to our outgoing Secretary Toni Haastrup.