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An update from the European Journal of International Security
November brought a lot of new material to the European Journal of International Security (EJIS). Some of our new open access articles include Charlotte Heath-Kelly exploring whether the War on Terror paradigm has receding, Henrique Tavares Furtado and Jessica Auchter looking at the legacies of the war on terror, and Ken Ohnishi analysing UN peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Meanwhile, Wallis and Tubilewicz analyse how Chinese material power directly translates to influence and effective interference in Pacific states’ domestic and foreign affairs, whilst Snegovaya and Lanoszka look at elite attitudes towards the desirability of reclaiming lost territory.
As BISA marks 50 years since its inauguration, EJIS will be at the BISA 2025 50th anniversary conference in Belfast. Please do consider coming along to meet our editors and other panels and roundtables. The conference is renowned for being inclusive, diverse and friendly.
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