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FPWG Event Report: Social Movements and Policy Outcomes: How right-wing grassroots groups influence foreign policy
FPWG member Sofia Tipaldou co-chaired this event at the University of Manchester on 8 March 2019.
The event opened with an introduction by Prof. Vera Tolz from the University of Manchester. Sofia Tipaldou (University of Manchester) gave an overview of the state of the art regarding nationalism and foreign policy. It was followed by Dessie Zagorcheva’s (Columbia University) presentation on the first case study, Bulgaria. Lenka Bustikova (Arizona State University) presented her research on Czech Republic and Slovakia and Olga Onuch (University of Manchester) on Ukraine. Michelle William (W. Florida University) joined the panel through video-conference and presented her research on Germany and Mihai Varga (Free University Berlin) followed with a presentation on Poland and Hungary. Finally, Daphne Halikiopoulou delivered the closing lecture on current developments and future challenges of right-wing populism in contemporary Europe.
Support for the event came from BISA's annual working group funding round, as well as artsmethods@manchester and the Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.