European Security Working Group 8th annual workshop: European security cooperation in times of European and global elections
Re-election of Donald J Trump as US President, uncertain political situations in countries such as France and Germany, a new Labour government heading the UK in the post-Brexit phase of its foreign policy, a Russian-Ukrainian conflict with no clear end in sight and unsettling changes taking place in the Middle East. This event brings together scholars from all over the world to discuss the trajectory of European security in light of these changes and much more.
This is a hybrid event.
The deadline for registrations of those on the programme is Wednesday 18 December 2025. The deadline for in-person attendance is Monday 6 January 2025.
If you are PhD/ECR and need financial support, please contact the European Security Working Group at:
Registration (for in-person participants)8:30am – 9am
Welcome: 9am
Panel 1: European security actors and institutions
9:15am – 10:45am
Chair: Lorenzo Cladi (University of Plymouth)
- Ana Juncos (University of Bristol)
The Rise and Fall of the CSDP
- Kamil Zwolski (University of Southampton)
Taking Stock of the Geopolitical European Commission
Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués (Barcelona Institute of international relations) and Anna-Sophie Maass (Lancaster University)
The unravelling of the European security architecture?
- Giovanni Parente (Maynooth University, Ireland)
A changing European Union in a changing sea? The maritime dimensions of the Common Security and Defence Policies, 2020-2025
Break: 11:15am – 11:45am
Panel 2: NATO, Trump and security
11am – 12:30pm
Chair: Nele-Marianne Ewers-Peters (Maastricht University)
- Lorenzo Cladi (University of Plymouth)
Transatlantic relations from Biden to the second Trump administration: continuity or change?
- Jim An-Chin Cheng (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
The Future Challenges for NATO with a Second Trump Administration: Lessons for East Asia
- Eyal Rubinson (Ariel University, Israel, and Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Spain) and Nizan Feldman (University of Haifa, Israel)
Partnering for Success: NATO’s Approach to Enhancing Strategic Relations with Partner Countries
- Thibaud Harrois (University Sorbonne Nouvelle)
A second Trump administration and its implications for Britain’s strategic choices
Lunch break: 1pm – 2pm
Panel 3: Individual European countries and European security dynamics 1:30pm – 3pm
Chair: Andrew Cottey (University College Cork)
- Nele Marianne-Ewers-Peters (Maastricht University)
From Reunification to Zeitenwende: Germany’s changing role in NATO
- Benjamin Martill (University of Edinburgh), Monika Sus and Lauren Rogers
Never waster a good crisis: Brexit, ontological security, and the limits of UK-EU security cooperation after Ukraine
- Raffaele Mastrorocco (European University Institute)
Far-Right Politics and European Security: ideologies and strategies in regional security organizations
- Alina Nychyk (Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
The new era of Ukraine’s foreign policy towards the EU
- Justina Zajac (Indiana University Bloomington)
Can Poland bolster EU cooperation on security and defense? A study of domestic preferences.
Break 3:45pm – 4:00pm
Panel 4: European and regional security dynamics
Chair: Lucia Frigo (Royal Holloway)
- Davide Genini (Dublin City University)
The European Defence Industrial Programme and the Integration of the European Defence and Technological Industrial Base
- Simon Sweeney (York University), Baris Celik (Sheffield University) and Neil Winn (Leeds University)
The EU response to migration from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): Charting the waters between security and legitimacy
- Arto Vaisanen (University of Olso)
The European Peace Facility and small states behaviour: along for the ride?
- Andrew Cottey (University College Cork)
Escalation Dynamics in the Russia-Ukraine War: Between Great Power Peace and World War Three
- Alicja McGarrigle (Regent College London)
The agenda of Western security structures
Break: 4:45pm-5pm
Panel 5: Europe’s relations with its neighbours
5pm – 6pm
Chair: Lorenzo Cladi (University of Plymouth)
Antonino Cambria (University of Turin)
The game of lights and shadows in the field of Security in Europe. Evolution of relationships, balances and challenges between principal actors in the field of Security
- Priyanshu Agarwal (Jawaharlal University, New Delhi)
Russia’s Arctic Ambitions and their impact upon European Security
- Hossein Kamalzare (institutional affiliation not known)
Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine: a shift from hybrid warfare to conventional war?
Workshop dinner (for in-person participants)7:30pm
For more information on the programme and speakers please download the full conference programme below.
Registration will close two hours before the event begins