Content from Gendering International Relations (GIRWG) working group
Gendering International Relations (GIRWG)
To join a working group you must first join BISA.
We are a group of scholar-educators who engage in researching how 'gender makes the world go round'. In order to do this, we reach beyond traditional IR to a wide variety of disciplines including Sociology, Politics, Women's Gender Studies, Masculinity Studies, Queer Theory, Cultural Studies and Development Studies, while still maintaining our grounding in IR and global politics. Our members often work in policy-related areas such as human rights, maternity legislation in Europe, and links between UN peacekeepers and the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
News and analysis
Gendering IR Working Group sponsors Critical Perspectives on NATO workshop
Call for papers: Critical perspectives on NATO workshop
Call for participants: Feminist solidarities in times of crises
Past events
Book talk - Sick of It: the Global Fight for Women's Health
A 'Zoomside' chat about the book 'Lives of Circumcised and Veiled Women: A Global-Indian Interplay of Discourses and Narratives'
A 'Zoomside' chat about the book 'Good Soldiers Don’t Rape'
NATO’s new front: Allied deterrence goes East
Feminist solidarities in times of crises
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