Meet the new Postgraduate Network (PGN) committee

We’re delighted to introduce you to the new PGN committee following this year's elections. We also welcome back last year's Vice-Chair, Joanna Wilson, who moves in to the Chair role.
Thank you to everyone who ran for election and to all those who voted.
Chair - Joanna Wilson

Following on from her MA(Hons) in International Relations and Spanish at the University of St Andrews and LLM in International Law and Security at Glasgow, Joanna is in the final year of her PhD (Thesis Topic: AI, War and (In)Humanity), and works as Research and Teaching Associate for the International Law, Conflict and Security Research Group at the University of Glasgow. In this role, she conducts lectures, tutorials and assessment for a variety of International Law, Peace, Development and Global Security classes, supports staff and students (research and taught of all levels) in the extracurricular activities offered by the Group.
Joanna founded the interdisciplinary Glasgow Artificial Intelligence Working Group and has previously been Postgraduate Coordinator for the BISA International Law and Politics Working Group. Her work experience includes IES Villajunco, Santander, the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, the European Yearbook of International Economic Law, Global Rights Compliance, The Hague, and the Manual on International Law Applicable to Military Uses of Outer Space (MILAMOS) project. Joanna is also a part time professional cellist. Her research interests are focussed around Peace and Conflict Studies, International Security Studies, International Humanitarian Law, Law and Technology, Law and Morality, and Critical Approaches to International Law.
Joanna is delighted to be taking on the role of BISA PGN Chair for the 2021/22 term and is very excited for all that the year will hold. She looks forward to working hard with a team of brilliant, enthusiastic people, to continue the excellent work of the previous committee in curating some rewarding, enjoyable, useful events for all PGN members and the wider community.
Shivani Singh - Vice-Chair

Shivani is a second year PhD student in the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University, UK. She finished her Bachelor's degree in Economics from Hindu College, Delhi University, India. Post that, she pursued her MA and MPhil in Politics with a specialisation in international relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. Simultaneously, she worked as a researcher and later as a consultant in the Nuclear Security Programme (NSP) at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), a policy-based think tank in New Delhi, India.
Her areas of interest include nuclear security and disarmament, with a special focus on postcolonial narratives in the nuclear decision-making in South Asian region, specifically India, China and Pakistan. She has published papers and commentaries on issues of nuclear politics in renowned Indian newspapers and journals.
Shivani is also the recipient of Aber doc scholarship and President's scholarship.
Comms Officer - Ellis Mallett

Ellis is a PhD Candidate at the University of Surrey’s Department of Politics. Her research lies at the intersection of US foreign policy and International Relations theory and employs interviews with American foreign policy elites to explore executive branch policy decisions vis-à-vis Iran and Cuba. Wider research interests include American grand strategy, world order and foreign policy analysis. She is also a Junior Fellow at Surrey’s Centre for International Intervention and a Research Assistant at the Centre for Britain and Europe. You can find her on Twitter at @ellismallett.
Elections and Funding Officer - Marion Greziller

I am a PhD researcher and Teaching Assistant at the University of Manchester. My PhD research looks at the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in EU Common Security and Defence Policy civilian missions. I am interested in gender expertise and feminist security studies more broadly. Prior to my PhD, my studies and various internships led me to live in France, Sweden and Kosovo. I’m really looking forward to being part of the PGN this year! You can find me on Twitter: @mariongreziller.
Events Officer - Chester Yacub

Chester is currently a doctoral researcher at the School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham, UK. He holds Master's degrees in International Political Economy (LSE) and Economics (Ateneo de Manila University, Manila, Philippines). He was a Research Fellow at the John J Carroll Institute on Church and Social Issues (JJCICSI), an advocacy-oriented research institution based in the Ateneo. He has been interested in how material power and social structures influence both domestic politics and state relations. He hopes to organise events promoting BISA PGN as the counterculture of community to an arguably self-centred endeavour that is academic research.