
Call for papers - Deep Impact: Policy-relevant space research beyond STEM

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Earth from space

The Astropolitics working group are holding their second annual workshop. This workshop will take place on Wednesday 22 January at Canterbury Christ University and will be entitled 'Deep Impact: Policy-relevant space research beyond STEM'. The workshop will include a key note speech from Joanna Hart, director of Space partnership.


  • to demonstrate to decision takers in industry and civil service, the breadth of expertise and research in the academic field on space
  • to create and strengthen links between academics and industry professionals 
  • to develop policy-relevant or societally impactful research within AWG
  • to provide a supportive environment for PGRs and ECRs to develop their own research, career development, and practitioner links

We now invite papers from all AWG members for an academic speed session. Papers should be 10 minutes long (200 words) and outline the research you are currently working on. We also invite participants to provide a poster outlining either a current project, or an overview of your astro-politics work. Posters should be A3 or A2 size. These will be printed by CCCU.

We also seek a session rapporteur to write up any findings, to author a blog, and to work alongside the Convenors to discuss publication possibilities. Please let us know if this would be of interest to you.

Please send your abstracts to by Saturday 30 November 2024.


Photo by NASA on Unsplash