
Naked Empire: New tools/old stories and the colonial inheritance of the rules-based order

This event will be in London, UK.

10th BISA CPD Annual Early Career Researcher Workshop.


9.45am Welcome 

10 – 11.00am Theme 1: Ordering the Material

Chair: Lisa Tilley

  • Jessica Underwood, University of Warwick

  • Sabrina Keller, Universität Humboldt, Berlin  

  • Nika Mahnic, QMUL 

11.15am – 12.30 pm Theme 2: Ordering Colonial Imaginaries 

Chair: Olivia Rutazibwa

  • Marie Kwon, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris 

  • David Wearing, University of Sussex 

  • Sarah Gharib-Seif, University of St. Andrews

12.30pm Lunch 

1.30 – 2.30pm Theme 3: Ordering Violence 

Chair: John Narayan

  • Namir Shabibi, University of Westminster 

  • Margot Tudor, City, University of London  

  • Shahrazad Odeh, QMUL

  • Amal Abu-Bakare, University of Liverpool 

2.45 – 3.45pm Theme 4: Refusing Orders 

Chair: Nivi Manchanda

  • Niharika Pundit, QMUL 

  • Akram Salhab, QMUL

  • Asad Zaidi, University of Westminster 

4.00 – 5.00 pm Where do we go from here?: Wrap-up and Concluding Remarks

Chairs: Gargi Bhattacharyya, Heba Youssef, Jenna Marshall and Sharri Plonski

This event is only open to those who have had a paper accepted.

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