Who writes about whom? International Relations and the colonial gaze
The inaugural annual workshop from the Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial (CPD) Working Group.
6th June, 2014, 10-6pm, Queen Mary University of London
Historically, the production of knowledge of international relations tended to follow hierarchies established through a colonial and imperial political gaze that was often resisted and is now increasingly discredited. Yet the persistence of the gaze and its associated hierarchies in academic knowledge production continues to be influential. This inaugural CPD workshop invites participants to reflect on the ongoing relationship between colonial and imperial forms of power, and the production of academic knowledge in International Relations (IR).
Papers will address the broad question: “Who writes about whom? International Relations and the colonial gaze”, but the workshop as a whole will provide a space for a collective conversation about how to cultivate knowledge with regard to the colonial question. Although the workshop is very heavily subscribed, those who wish to attend the workshop should a place become available should email Robbie Shilliam.
The final programme for the workshop is available to download below.