Call for expressions of interest - new book reading group

The Emotions in Politics and International Relations Working Group are planning to organise a new book reading group in spring 2024.
We invite researchers to join a series of book reading groups featuring the recently published The Affect Theory Reader 2: Worldings, Tensions, Futures. Edited by Gregory J. Seigworth and Carolyn Pedwell (Duke University Press, 2023). Building upon the invigorating debates and enquiries sparked by the first Affect Theory Reader (2010), this second book comprises of twenty contributions that explore "affect's doings" (Seigworth and Pedwell 2023, 3) within the evolving landscape of affect studies. The book draws from multidisciplinary perspectives, lived experiences, critical and conceptual debates, and diverse ways of world-building. With a focus on revisiting conceptualization, omissions (e.g., race, indigeneity, decoloniality etc), and potentialities of affect studies, the seminar aims to reflect on what it means to "redraw" and "unlearn" "historical formations, present formulations, and future countenances of affect inquiry” (ibid., 5).
The book reading group series is open to researchers who are interested in emotions and affect theories, particularly welcoming postgraduate and early-career researchers. Participants are expected to demonstrate commitment by reading selected chapters and actively engaging in discussions. While the format is yet to be decided, we hope to encourage participants to choose two chapters, provide brief summaries, and share discussion ideas. Additionally, we plan to invite contributors of the book to give short talks and join the discussions. The reading group will be held online.
Please direct all expressions of interest to or Chaeyoung Yong ( by 19 January.
Photo by Richa Sharma on Unsplash