Call for papers: The emotional politics of social movements in global politics

This is a call for papers for the Emotions in Politics and International Relations Working Group postgraduate/ECR virtual workshop which takes place on 28 March 2023.
Emotions are visible in social movements in global politics such as Black Lives Matter, climate justice activism, and populist movements. Our PhD/ECR workshop aims to explore the question of how emotional politics shape and are shaped by multiple forms of social movements encompassing everyday activism and large-scale resistance. We invite papers from postgraduate and early-career researchers which address the theme of emotional politics through topics such as (but not limited to):
- a theoretical exploration of the emotional politics of social movement
- affective dimension of the contemporary or historical movements from any global region
- new dynamics of activism and affective transmission in the digital age
- the interplay of power and emotion concerning violence and non-violence
- methodological challenges of exploring emotional dynamics in social movements.
Please send us your abstract (max 300 words) and a short biography by 31 January 2023.
Attendance at this workshop is free for BISA members. It usually costs £30.50 for a PhD/ECR non-member place, however a discount has been arranged to allow 13 delegates to attend for a reduced fee of just £18. These will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis once registration opens. Joining BISA will not only give you access to this workshop, but also many other benefits of being a member. Therefore we strongly recommend that option. Find out more about becoming a BISA member.
Submissions and enquiries: BISA Emotions in Politics and IR WG
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash