European security in an era of polycrisis

Date: Friday 26 January 2024
Venue: University of Sheffield; also online
Call for papers
The current era is often described as one of polycrisis: multiple, overlapping crises which intersect and reinforce one another in complex ways. These crises include specific violent conflicts (the Ukraine war and the Israel-Gaza war amongst others), intensifying great power tensions, the weakening of international institutions, the rise of populism, continuing transnational threats (such as jihadi terrorism), the challenges posed by the information age and the development of new technologies (including disinformation and artificial intelligence), mass displacement crises and climate change. While most of these crises are global in nature rather than region-specific, they all have significant implications for and impacts on Europe. This workshop will focus on the impacts of these multiple crises on Europe and on European responses to these crises. We welcome empirical, theoretical and policy-oriented perspectives.
We particularly welcome paper proposals on any of the following:
- National responses of European states to current crises
- The impacts of current crises on European security institutions (NATO, EU, OSCE, etc) and the responses of these institutions to these crises
- The role of non-state and transnational actors in the genesis of and/or responding to current crises
- Thematically oriented papers looking at particular issue areas/crises as they relate to European security (e.g., migration, climate change, advanced technologies, etc).
The workshop will also have one or more open panels, covering other aspects of European security, in order to remain open to the research interests of all working group members.
The workshop will take place on a hybrid basis (i.e. both in-person and virtual/online), to enable the widest possible participation by members.
Bursaries: we hope to be able to provide bursaries of £200 for PhD students (this is subject to approval by BISA).
Paper abstracts (maximum of 200 words) should be submitted to by Friday 15 December 2023, 5pm (UK time). Please indicate with your submission whether you intend to attend in-person or online. We will confirm acceptance of proposals quickly after 15 December, so that you can plan accordingly.
Photo by Miłosz Klinowski on Unsplash