Call for papers: Wider advances in scholarship beyond the nuclear field

We invite paper submissions for a two-day conference taking place virtually on 23 and 24 February 2023, hosted by Aberystwyth University.
The theme of the annual conference this year is to explore how wider advances in scholarship within and beyond the nuclear field challenge or develop core concepts of nuclear order?
The annual conference develops upon roundtable discussions held at the BISA Annual convention 2021. In particular, the themes develop upon a panel entitled ‘Un-siloing nuclear weapons.’ This sought to address how we could overcome the challenges of surviving a nuclear armed world?
The conference this year invites papers which develop upon this theme by exploring the ethical, legal, social, humanitarian and economic questions of survivability that intersect with current nuclear order debates.
The Global Nuclear Order Annual conference is interested in papers that tackle these issues and any of the following areas:
- Strategic concepts in the nuclear field such as second-strike force, No First Use, arms
- control, strategic stability, tailored deterrence;
- Normative concepts: from restraint, responsibility to stigma/taboo;
- How are marginalised voices represented within the nuclear field?
- How can environmental and ecological research into sustainability enhance research into nuclear catastrophes?
Please send a draft abstract and title (no more than 250 words) to no later than 19 January 2023
The BISA Global Nuclear Order Working Group was founded to bring together a diverse range of UK-based scholars, practitioners and professionals and so submissions from postgraduate students, non-academics and those working in other disciplines are welcome.