Call for papers: Building solidarity in times of permacrisis

International Political Economy Working Group (IPEG) annual workshop 11-12 May 2023, King’s College London.
Capitalism, imperialism, and patriarchy have always produced and have fed upon crises. Yet the multi-layered and mutually amplifying crises we currently face are felt and suffered even more urgently, laying bare the interconnectedness between economic, geopolitical, environmental, and social dimensions. The threat and reality of ‘permacrisis’ reminds us of the need to build bridges across disciplinary and conceptual divides and in material terms. Because of its inherent cross-disciplinary vocation, International Political Economy is ideally placed to provide a space for these conversations and practices.
The 2023 BISA IPEG annual workshop will unpack the historical drivers of these crises, discuss their obvious and hidden connections, highlight their uneven impacts, and build new forms of solidarity to render what seems permanent, temporary. What are new conceptualisations that allow us to see the politics of the current disjuncture? How can we create the space to build alternatives? How can we resist the forces we know lead to crises? What is the role of IPE and academia in allowing us to change and transcend capitalist dynamics in its gendered, classed, and racialised forms? But how do IPE and HE in fact perpetuate what we seek to dismantle? What can IPE learn from other disciplines?
We invite scholars and activists to contribute to this year’s BISA IPEG annual workshop, and encourage a broad understanding of IPE. We especially welcome submissions from early career researchers (ECRs), as well as scholars and activists from disadvantaged groups.
The in-person workshop will be combined with events focused on PhD students and ECRs, including sessions on publishing in major IPE journals, postgraduate funding and navigating academia in times of permacrisis.
Abstracts (250 words max) with 3-5 keywords should be submitted to: by Monday 13 March 2023. We are also happy to consider panel proposals, typically including four to five papers.
Workshop participation is free for doctoral researchers and BISA members. Non-members’ registration fee will be £15 to cover the costs of catering. Limited funding will be available to help cover some expenses for PhD students and ECRs who may need support.
This event is co-sponsored by King's College London.
We look forward to hearing from you.
The BISA-IPEG convenor team
Mareike Beck, Sandy Hager, Melita Lazell, Roberto Roccu, Nicki Smith, Zoe Pflaeger Young
With the support of the International Political Economy Research Group, Department of European and International Studies, King’s College London.
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash