Call for applications: War Studies Working Group Postgraduate Representatives x2

War Studies is one of the largest working groups within the professional association, with over 200 members dedicated to the study of war, peace, and security from all approaches. At the heart of the group is a desire to bring focus back onto war in all its forms as a phenomenon in International Studies. As part of this effort, the War Studies Working Group is looking to recruit two Postgraduate Representatives to lead on public outreach, impact, and event organisation. Working alongside the War Studies conveners, the successful applicant will be provided with the support and guidance needed to grow their transferable skills in organisational management and academic leadership. The positions will be held for a two-year term.
Applicant criteria:
- You should finish your PhD no earlier than March 2024
- You must be a BISA member, or be prepared to become a member
- You should be looking to grow your network in the IR and War Studies community
- You are seeking leadership experience and looking to obtain transferable skills and organisational experience
- You should be a self-starter who is passionate about outreach, impact, and public engagement.
Experience of admin, social media and event organisation is a bonus.
In line with the War Studies Working Group Mission Statement, these positions are open to all those interested in the study of war, peace, and security from all approaches.
To apply please submit a CV and a one-page statement of interest (no more than 500 words) to by Monday 5 February.

One of a wide range of War Studies events at the BISA 2023 conference in Glasgow.