Students at the BISA/FCDO Model NATO 2024

Call for expressions of interest - BISA/FCDO Model NATO 2025

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We’re excited to confirm that in 2025 we will once again be holding a Model NATO in partnership with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Up to 32 universities from across the UK will be able to take part, and we are calling for expressions of interest from academic leads. This annual flagship event represents a unique experience for students to take part in active learning.

Through their participation in the event, students will learn about how NATO works and the significance of the Alliance for UK and European defence. Simulation events are a recognised model of learning and allow participants access to insights unobtainable in a traditional classroom setting. While Model UN is perhaps the better known, Model NATO too has obtained a permanent presence in the educational calendar – with simulations being run in Washington DC, Bologna, Brussels and elsewhere. Preparation for, and involvement in, a Model is often transformative for participants, inspiring students to embark upon careers and projects in diplomacy, government, non-governmental organisations and the military.

The 2025 event will be held at the FCDO in London on Wednesday 19 February. There is no fee to take part thanks to sponsorship from both FCDO and BISA, and all students will be provided with refreshments and lunch. However, each institution will need to cover the costs of travel to and from the event for their students.

The 2025 Model will commence with a crisis alert and will involve two committees formulating a joined-up crisis response. Students will be given a set of briefing materials on national capabilities and policies, and basic information on NATO’s mission and organisation in advance of the event. Academic specialists and on-site advisers from the FCDO will operate as ‘home government’, issuing instructions if needed, and ready to provide advice if requested. The Model will culminate with an agreed set of actions and close with a plenary session dedicated to the presentation of certificates of participation and delegate awards. A short video showing the highlights from last year’s event is embedded below.

How to apply and important information

If your institution would like to take part, please complete the expression of interest form by the deadline of 13 December at 5pm (UK time). You must be from an institution based in the UK. Each institution will be able to select three students for the event – one will sit on the North Atlantic Council (NAC), and two on the Military Committee.

We will be in touch to let you know whether your institution has been chosen to take part. You will then receive country allocations, briefing materials and other instructions by the end of term.

On Wednesday 15 January 2025 at 2pm, a student briefing will take place online via Zoom. This means your institution must have chosen and confirmed students by this date. A registration link will be sent with your confirmation and briefing materials. We also need to send this list to the FCDO, including any academic leads who will attend.