Call for papers: Critical Studies on Terrorism annual conference

The Critical Terrorism Studies annual conference will take place 6 and 7 September, in person with a possible hybrid option, at the University of Warwick. The call for papers is open until 22 July. This will be a great opportunity to see old and new faces, and to share our research.
We welcome in particular submissions that focus on race, colonialism, and new directions for the field of critical security/terrorism. However, we have an open theme this year, so please submit your 200-word abstracts and title to this email address: Feel free to submit individual papers, panels, or roundtables.
There will also be discussion provided for PhDs/early-career researchers on publishing, jobs, and grants. During the annual conference there will be space for ‘breakout room’ style conversations, which will take place on different tables. These are designed to foster informal and open conversations about a particular issue that might be of interest, including ‘activism within CTS’, ‘working with practitioners/the state’ etc. If you have an idea for a ‘breakout room’ style conversation, please submit a keyword or two, along with your main abstract.
There may also be an online element to the conference depending on demand. If you would like to attend only virtually, please make this known in your email submission.
Deadline for submissions: Friday 22 July 2022.
BISA members attend free of charge. There will be a charge for non-members.
Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash