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Negotiating governance: agency, mobility and the global movement of people
IPMRD members will be taking part in a one-day research workshop to be held in Brighton on 13 June 2017, as part of the 2017 BISA conference. The workshop, convened by Dr Patrick Pinkerton (Queen Mary, University of London) and titled ‘Negotiating governance: agency, mobility and the global movement of people’, will seek to move beyond simplistic renderings of migrant or refugee agency by examining the numerous ways in which persons on the move negotiate, subvert or resist the various governance strategies that seek to limit, constrain or direct their mobility.
By bringing together scholars from a range of theoretical perspectives to develop new understandings of migrant agency and mobility, the workshop will aim to better understand the political consequences of attempts to govern the global movement of people.
Workshop participants:
- Dr. Leonie Ansems de Vries, King’s College, London
- Ms. Lisa Marie Borrelli, University of Bern
- Mr. Adam Ferhani, University of Sheffield
- Mr. Uluç Karakaş, Bilkent University, Ankara
- Dr. Maria Koinova, University of Warwick
- Mr. Alexander Mack, Aberystwyth University
- Dr. Patrick Pinkerton, Queen Mary, University of London
- Dr. Maurice Stierl, University of California
- Mr. Lorenzo Vianelli, University of Warwick