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Best of the week - 25 September 2020
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Each week BISA Director, Juliet Dryden, scours the internet for IR-related content that might interest you. Here she brings you this week's best readings and podcasts to keep you up to date with what's happening around the world.
COVID-related news
- How are Millennials and Generation Z spreading the virus? Rebecca Renner explains for National Geographic
- Is it time we learnt to live with the virus? The BBC’s Nick Triggle examines
- The death of the office by Jay Elwes in The Article
- The public shaming pandemic by D T Max in The New Yorker
- The world is losing the vaccine race. Adam Tooze in Foreign Policy
- The Tory brawl over COVID rules. James Forsyth in The Spectator
- It’s time the EU restarts and scales up refugee resettlement after COVID 19 says David Milliband.
UK Politics/Brexit news
- This Brexit government ignorance is steering us towards disaster says Jonathan Freedman
- Overburdened, underpaid and with misery on his face. Oliver Wright, Francis Elliot and Matt Chorley report for the Times
- The failure to secure a trade deal is going to leave the union more unstable than ever says Helen Thompson in the New Statesman
- The autumn of discontent. Philip Collins examines Johnson’s premiership in the New Statesman
- Podcast: Leadership in a Crisis with Historian Andrew Roberts from Engelsburg Ideas. A fascinating look at leaders in crisis from Napoleon to Johnson.
US Election
- Ginsburg’s death could change the US election by Michael Hirst for Foreign Policy
- Why the Democrats are the Economist’s favourite to win the election
- The election that could break America. Read Barton Gellman in the Atlantic
- Trump is attacking American democracy at its core says John Cassidy in The New Yorker
- How the US Supreme Court affects the world. Adam Taylor in the Washington Post.
Middle East
- Partition is the only solution for Lebanon’s woes says Joseph A Kechichian for Foreign Affairs.
Global Order
- Podcast: Can the West be revived? Iain Martin is joined by historian Peter Frankopan and David Frum to discuss the precarious position of the West and the future of global order. Listen to Engelsburg Ideas.
- Podcast: Listen to Michael Sandel on the Case Against Meritocracy from TALKING POLITICS. Philosopher Michael Sandel talks about the damage that the idea of rewarding people on merit has done to education, democracy and public life.
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